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The County of LA is updating its bike master plan, and your voice is vital in shaping the future of cycling in the region. One significant initiative is the proposed bike path along the Verdugo Wash, connecting Crescenta Valley to Glendale and linking to the existing LA River path. In this blog post, we invite you to take the survey and share your thoughts on this project. Additionally, we encourage you to explore the LA River path firsthand before contributing your opinions, as it will help you assess whether the same design is suitable for the unique community of Crescenta Valley.

Why Your Participation Matters: By participating in the survey, you can influence the decisions shaping the biking infrastructure in LA County. Your input can create a safer, more accessible, enjoyable environment for cyclists and pedestrians. Your input can also be the voice to fight against some of the proposals just as many neighbors along the Verdugo Wash are doing. This is your chance to voice your concerns and recommendations, ensuring the community’s needs are heard and considered.

The Verdugo Wash Bike Path is a proposal to create a bike path along the Verdugo Wash. Starting behind CV Park, this path would stretch to Glendale, eventually connecting to the current LA River path. This potential route offers numerous benefits, including enhanced connectivity, alternative transportation options, and improved recreational opportunities for residents. On the flip side, this project comes with just as many issues and concerns, safety, privacy, development, and noise, to name a few. The LA River project near Griffith Park was beautiful when it first opened. Little to no graffiti, trash, or homelessness but things have significantly changed over the years since the grand opening.

A Thought-Provoking Question: Have you ever walked or biked the current LA River path? What were your experiences, and do you believe the same design would benefit or harm the Crescenta Valley community? We encourage you to visit the site and gain firsthand experience before sharing your thoughts. Exploring the existing path will undoubtedly provide valuable insights into whether this design aligns with Crescenta Valley’s unique characteristics and needs.

As LA County updates its bike master plan, gathering input from community members like you is crucial. By taking the survey, you can actively contribute to shaping the future of biking in Crescenta Valley and beyond.
Lend your comments and remarks to the LA County Survey: Interactive map, you can like or dislike items proposed.

Learn more about the pros and cons  of the Verdugo Wash Project
Proposed Verdugo Wash Bike Path Map: From CV Park, the Woodlands to through Freemont Park
See what the opponents to the project have to say. Save the Wash
See what the proponents of the project have to say. Verdugo Wash


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