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State Controlled Mass Building

The Loss of Local Influence: The Impact of California SB9, Density Bonus Projects, and Proposed Changes to Article 34. "California Remove Voter Approval Requirement for Public Low-Rent Housing Projects Amendment" is on the ballot in California ...

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What type of property is in high demand

The demand for properties with more than one living structure on a single lot is rising. Property owners with a main house, a guest house, a detached office, or a converted garage find themselves in high demand among buyers. This trend has crea...

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Taking a closer look at the market activity for the month of February.  La Crescenta: Closed sales for La Crescenta were precisely the same. So why the dramatic difference in the sale price?  In La Crescenta, the ty...

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Preparing to Sell

If you're planning to sell your home, you might be wondering how to get the most out of your investment without breaking the bank. While it's true that home improvement projects can be costly, there are plenty of affordable ways to enhance your...

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Open Houses

Open Houses: A Win-Win for Buyers and Sellers If you're a prospective home buyer or seller, you may have heard about open houses and wondered about their purpose and benefits. An open house is a public event where anyone can visit a property...

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When you should call a plumber

If you’ve ever tried to tackle a plumbing problem yourself, then you know it can be a daunting task. From clogged toilets to faulty fixtures, there are many DIY projects that can quickly become overwhelming. But when is it time to call in the...

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The Real Real Estate Market

The real estate market is complex, and it's impossible to make a blanket statement about what is happening. Generally speaking, media reports of home prices falling are exaggerated. While it is true that some listing prices have dropped, overal...

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Homeowners Undertanding Propositon 19

Proposition 19 will supersede the old rules which limited this exemption to the sale and purchase of a principal residence within the same county (Proposition 60) or between certain counties (Proposition 90) — but only if the replacement prop...

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3 Best assests to buy in a recession

Jeff Bezos believes these 3 tangible assets are not as prone to market volatility as stocks and other investments.  These assets can also be used as collateral for loans, providing a source of liquidity in times of economic hardship. Some as...

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Density Bonus Projects

Below is the complete article from "The Planning Report", an interview with LA City Planning Director Vince Bertoni. There is a lot to absorb in this article, so grab a cup of coffee or a big glass of water and get ready for a great read on wha...

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